Console commands
Bring up the console ingame using the ` button. Use the ' button if you have a European keyboard.
Cheat Effect
behindview 1 3rd person camera
open "mapname"    Change map
Open up Swat4.ini and go down to the title "[Engine.GameEngine]".

Change "EnableDevTools=False" to "EnableDevTools=True".

Now, during the gameplay, just type the ~ button next to 1 key, and the command console will appear and type these in.

You must enter every code at the beginning of every mission.
E.G if you enter god in one mission, in the next mission you will become Vulnerable again and therefore, must enter the cheat again.

Cheat Effekt 
God                                             God Mode
behindview 1                                             3rd Person
Walk                                          Turns no Clip Off
Ghost                                                No Clip
behindview 0                                       Back To First person
SetGravity X                             Changes Gravity to X (Replace X With number desired)
SetJump X                    hanges how high you jump to X (Replace X With number desired)

Enzian-Mod                       Gamerecke              


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